The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I graduated from Penn State with a degree in Aerospace Engineering and jumped right into the United States Air Force. Worked on the F-22 Raptor Flight Test Program in the Propulsion, Armament and Air Data divisions. Separated from the Air Force as a Captain and spent time working on the same program as a civilian government engineer. From there I went to work for Lockheed Martin in the Advanced Development Programs Division ("Skunkworks") as a hypersonic propulsion engineer. Through the years I spent my weekends and evenings volunteering at APET Rescue and Kennels and fell in love with a new career, that of a veterinarian and working in Animal Rescue. I'm currently in Philadelphia chasing down that dream - pursuing a VMD at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine. Needless to say, the last few years have been nothing short of crazy and amazing and I'm looking forward to getting back to life in California when this "short detour" is over.